They think its all over… it is now!
On this, the 50th anniversary of the above phrase, it seemed appropriate to rekindle the spirit of 66 a great team, spurred on by the nation, achieved so much… but that was only football – I am referring to the completion of our second polytunnel! We have spent many months training, working hard, digging holes, erecting the structure and finally the day came. The sun was shining, the wind was almost perfect, each volunteer was in place and ready. Please click on the above photo and you will see the moment when the polythene skin went all the way over the frame. What a feeling (and what heat was generated inside!!).
There are too many individuals to thank by name but you all know who you are and I’m sure you know how grateful we are. Brilliant job.
Once the skin is in place it has to be tensioned from within by pressing down on the horizontal frame. This is quite tricky as there is not much frame to grip but it is particularly hard when the outside temperature was 28 and inside the tunnel was touching the high 30s… maybe we should start publicising a sauna! The photo below shows some rather red faces as the pressure was being applied.

Dream to reality
Many of you will know that when we first took possession of the farm it was derelict. The whole place was neglected and weeds, ivy and brambles had taken over. With the help of Photoshop and some imagination I put together some visuals of how things might look – given time.
The top image above is a visual I produced over 18 months ago to show interested parties and potential funders some of what we hoped to achieve… the image directly above is one that I took last Saturday once we had finished our day’s work.
Its great when a plan comes together.
When nature and hard work (and skill) combine
I have always liked flowers but never fully appreciated their incredible intricacy, variety and beauty… not until now.
I have now seen, first hand, how a blank canvas can be turned into a work of art, not by paint or pastels but by seeds, compost, water and the tender hands of people who care and understand. Just look at the amazing, subtle blend of colours above – or below, the striking, boldness of a huge sunflower. The regal posture of the cornflower or the vulnerable delicacy of the petal at the bottom of the page.
A few months ago the farm was starting to take shape physically. We had recognisable paths and a few roofs that didn’t leak and a polytunnel and some areas of soil waiting in anticipation… Now we have colour, texture, fragrance, flowers, vegetables, fruit… design.
As you drive through the gates you are struck by the transformation – hanging baskets, flower beds – some much that cries out ‘RELAX’, ‘SLOW DOWN’, TAKE THIS IN’. Its wonderful. Please come and visit, see the beauty for yourself… and meet the animals (they’re wonderful). Don’t tell anyone but later this week the alpacas will be arriving.
Come and join us
So much has been done but there is so much still to do (to be honest – that will always be the case). If you can join us for a few hours to lend a hand I guarantee that you will get as much out of it as we do (probably more). If you want to meet the animals or see the plants you are just as welcome. We love this place and everyone who comes feels the same, please come, we’d love to see you.
Next Saturday, we will be there from 10 till 4ish – Saturday 6 August please come along… you might even get close to an alpaca (or 9).