Pathways Progress – 18 October 2016

Boys toys

How can you be a real farm without a tractor? Sorry about the quality of the photo but this baby, which was only delivered on Sunday afternoon, has been parked in the hay barn and Pete won’t yet let it out in case it it gets wet or dirty!! I therefore had to squeeze into a tiny gap and shoot against the light just to get this snap. Watch this space for some better images and maybe some video of it in action… Once Pete has finished polishing it.

How have we afforded this lovely piece of equipment I hear you say. Well, we have recently been awarded a grant of £6000 from the ‘Working Together Fund‘ of Suffolk Community Foundation. This award was given to us in recognition of the way we have been working in partnership with local people, Social Services, Community Payback, local colleges and other businesses and agencies. In many ways it is a reward for the 10,000 hours of volunteering that you have all helped us achieve. How can we ever thank you enough.

As you might expect, this beautiful machine cost rather more than £6000 but we have dipped into our reserves in order to secure a vehicle which will last us for many many years and help make the most of the hours we work.

This has been a significant purchase and we are now looking for ways to raise additional funds to help cover the expenditure. If any of you are keen to help out financially your contribution would be very gratefully accepted. Please go to our website and follow the ‘DONATE’ link or use the bank details shown at:

Workparty and birthday cake

You may recall me saying that the last workparty was also the 2nd anniversary of our taking possession of the farm. Well, the wonderful Rachel, who has been a regular supporter of these workdays along with her daughter Grace, arrived with a birthday cake to celebrate the occasion.

What a wonderful gesture and what a wonderful cake. It was eagerly consumed and thoroughly enjoyed by everyone there. It reminded me of the Test Match Special team eating chocolate cake whist commentating on cricket! Thanks Rachel… I can’t wait for birthday number 3.

The next workparty is this week, Saturday 22 October 2016. Please come. We have a number of jobs to do, some skilful, some less so, all vital and any contribution will be further evidence of our ‘Working Together’. We look forward to welcoming you.


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